Not only was there a last-minute date change for the upcoming
Erykah Badu show in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from Tuesday, February 28, to Wednesday, February 29, but complexities ensued when
The Star chose to publish this photo of the singer with images of the word "Allah" on her body which "offended the religious sensitivities" of Muslim groups.

The Star have offered an
apology and from the apparent pleas from the promoters,
Pineapple Concerts, on Twitter with requests to get the hashtag
#MsiansWantErykah to trend, there is some hope that the Malaysian Government officials will allow the show to go on.
Ms. Badu just celebrated a birthday on February 26 so hopefully she'll get a chance to share her merriment with the 3,000 KL fans eagerly anticipating a positive outcome as a result of The Star's negligent oversight.
UPDATE: The show remained cancelled.